
All You Need To Know About That Little Dark Outgrowth on Your Skin

Are you terrified of skin lesions? Skin problems can literally scare women who are extra cautious when it comes to flaunting beauty. They are mostly benign in nature and are of different types as those mentioned below:

  • Moles
  • Skin tags
  • Freckles
  • Lentigines
  • Seborrheic keratoses

Among the various skin outgrowths that you may encounter, moles are most common. They can either be black or brown in colour. Moles tend to grow anywhere on your skin. Sometimes these skin lesions can appear in groups.

An insight into mole development on your skin 

If you have recently witnessed moles appearing either on your face, neck, hands or any other part of the body there is nothing to panic because, in a lifetime, a person may develop as many as 40 moles. These skin lesions occur during childhood. By the time a person is in their thirties, most moles tend to crop up.

Surprising changes in moles happen with age. Sometimes moles can get darker and at times lighter. Also in other cases, they are likely to sprout out. The best part is that moles also go away with time.

Factors that cause moles to appear 

Moles develop when cells instead of spreading evenly grow in a cluster. The cells that give birth to moles are called melanocytes. These cells are responsible for adding pigments to the skin. Under most circumstances, moles turn darker than usual when a person is pregnant. Also during adolescent years, these outgrowths tend to attain a darker shade.

Different types of moles 

After finding such outgrowth on your skin you may consider seeking mole removal in a Worthing clinic. These skin lesions are of two different types as discussed here. Congenital nevi have a tendency to turn into melanoma. They are not like typical moles which start to appear after birth. Before seeking mole removal at a Worthing clinic, consult a dermatologist who will be the best person to tell you whether the outgrowth is malefic. If you find the size, height and colour of a mole to change, it is best to consider expert advice.

The other skin lesion which is likely to develop into a serious health condition is known as dysplastic nevi. It covers a larger area. It has an uneven colour with darker centres and slightly lighter periphery.

If you find an existing mole to change its colour or shape, consult a skin specialist. Some moles even bleed, itch and ooze when touched or even when they are untouched.