Mole Removal Aftercare: What You Need to Know
Mole/skin tag/lumps and bumps removal are minor surgical procedures performed for appropriate patients. While most moles are harmless, some people choose to have them removed for various reasons, including cosmetic concerns.
Mole Removal Minor Surgery Techniques
There are various techniques involved. These could be surgical, using radiofrequency or laser machines and cryotherapy (freezing). During the consultation, the most appropriate method will be discussed. The procedures are done under local anaesthesia.
Minor surgery /Mole removal aftercare is important for attaining the desired aesthetic effect. The measures will be detailed during a consultation and reinforced prior to consent taking. The doctor will also underline any changes to these instructions post-procedure. The most frequently given advice would be to keep the wound clean and reduce muscle exertion in the area. We will also advise you about methods of pain relief if appropriate. Some procedures may involve taking oral antibiotics or application of topical antibiotics to the area after the procedure.
Following these aftercare instructions ensures proper healing, reduces the risk of complications and ensures a good aesthetic result.
Initial Care Immediately After Mole Removal
This may involve stitches, dressings, pain relief instructions or antibiotics. The doctor will give you precise mole/minor surgery aftercare recommendations that are specific to your case. These recommendations are based on the method of removal, your general health and your occupation. It is important that you follow these directions.
Can I shower?
Yes, it is important to keep the wound clean. Clean the treated area gently with warm water and light soap, pat it dry, and avoid aggressive scrubbing.
Depending on the technique of mole removal scar treatment, you may need to change dressings or bandages on a frequent basis. Follow the instructions for keeping the wound covered. When handling sterile gauze or bandages, make sure your hands are clean. We may provide you with some dressings to take home after the procedure or request you to buy over-the-counter plasters as appropriate. Follow recommendations for the best products and frequency of application after your mole removal surgery.
Will I have pain after the anaesthetic wears off?
Discomfort or pain following the mole removal/minor surgery is possible. You may be asked to take simple analgesics. Very rarely, a prescription for pain medication can also be given.
Can I swim?
Avoid immersing the treated area in water until the wound has healed completely. The mole removal / minor surgery aftercare usually advises against swimming, using hot tubs, and baths till the wound is healed completely.
Do I need sun protection?
Please follow the usual guidance for sun protection whilst going out, such as using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and consider covering yourself with clothing or a hat.
Based on the nature of the procedure, you may be asked to keep the treated area out of direct sunlight. UV radiation can aggravate scarring and cause pigmentation changes.
Should I Moisturise my skin?
Follow your doctor’s recommendations for skincare and frequency of application after your mole removal /minor surgery.
Will I have a scar?
Scarring is common after mole removal, but its severity varies and is determined by major factors such as the size and location of the mole, the technique of removal employed, your skin type, and your general health. The pre-surgical consultation will take you through all possible complications before your consent is obtained. However, scarring depends on individual healing and aftercare. For example, suppose any stitches in high-risk areas like the back are involved. Mole removal scars can be reduced in appearance with proper aftercare, which includes wound care, moisturisation, and sun protection. In that case, you may be advised to avoid any strenuous exercises, lifting, etc, to prevent suture rupture from causing bigger scars. You may occasionally be advised to take time off work if it involves lifting objects. In order to prevent infection, cleanliness is essential for effective mole removal scar treatment.
To summarise, mole removal /minor surgery aftercare is a vital aspect of treatment that has a direct impact on the procedure’s outcome.
Aureum Skin offers verbal and written mole removal / minor surgery aftercare services, which are clear, easy-to-follow aftercare instructions.